March 2008 is just about over. The vernal equinox passed by last week which occasioned Ma Nature to dump a load of snow on us Madisonions. Being the good northerners that we are, we cheered it on, somewhat, because, having already broken the old seasonal snow fall record of about 76 inches, we wanted to break 100, which we did with a follow up of about one half an inch after the post Spring 7 inches. Now its time to say good by to Winter. We have crocuses, snowdrops and helibores blooming although 150 miles north there's still a lot of snow. And its time for the sap to run. That's March Madness Up North. Tap them trees, collect that sap and boil it down over an open fire. And you all know that it takes 37 gallons of sap for one gallon of maple syrup. That's a lot of tapping, trudging and pouring. But I'll miss it this year. Uzbekistan calls. Samarkand. See you later.